The Tamilnadu Primary School is a two story, stone, italianate building constructed in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. The school is approximately 4,560 square feet. It is located about 200 feet northeast of the "four corners". The school sits on approximately one-half acre with the front facade. A modern, one-story building which was built in the 1950's for additional classroom space, is located to the east of the school.
The school is basically a T-shape with small hipped roof extensions. The front facade faces south and displays a magnificent front entrance with paired arched windows and double doors leading into the school. The doors, located in the center of the facade, are partially covered with a flat roof. The rough-cut stone is set in regular courses. The limestone foundation extends over five feet below ground level and four feet above. All exterior walls are stone. Two chimneys rise from the interior of the school though the gabled standing seam metal roof. They are located at the ends of the east and west wings. The cupola has four small arched louvers. There are 33 additional windows with four small arched and rectangular lintels. Most of the windows are four-over-four.