Tech Solutions to the Professional Goals of Busy School Principals

Management of school from the principal perspective is considered to be an overloaded schedule. Handling of the multi-administration, dealing with the government bodies, rules, updates and other associations keeps them engaged in the so-called School Administrative office room and are struck with the computers and laptop.


This has been their routine and with the verbal updates on the happenings inside the school campus, in many cases has led to controversies and deliberateness of the chaos.

If this is the scenario persisting it would tend to become worse as the school strength multiplies and would you not think of extending the working hours and still it has its own limitations.

Few weeks back we scheduled a meet with the schools who have recently integrated PenPencilEraser into their systems. It was something better and new to what the school software meant for them. Here is what was shared by the schools.

Benefited School

The school administrator of the leading school in North India which serves about 950 students strength shared with pleasure that he always tried to encounter intimately with the students and aimed to give 1:1 approach for grooming the child to better citizen. This is something which was just a dream as due to high busy schedule in the school office room with the updates from all ends kept him knocking back to back with the computers, office visitors, permissions, appointments, meetings and so on.

An Astonishment

It was like what had happened and to the surprise of all the teachers and students, the principal visited each of the classroom in the mornings to check on the learning and discussed with teachers and students on learning and teaching improvements. He gave a better support and feedback to the improvements. Sooner, in a week it seemed apparent that to build great leaders it is required to see and track on things happening and just the formal observation is insufficient.

Well, Agreed! With the things happening the right way and here comes the question of how the office administrative stuffs been managed. Rightly quoted is the Technology support which made things simple and manageable.
The Success Story

To list with the technology updates he mentioned that the wireless access in the school is the boom. Hence, he was on move with the lightweight laptop, netbook, tablet to go with and it made the administration take place even out of the office space. So, I do go to classrooms to stay connected with the students and faculty members in order to develop a better insight of the real time work that is been carried on in the classrooms.

It was also possible for me to visit all the classrooms and to catch up with the checklists of the updates. Sooner, I also explored the messaging and reporting module in PenPencilEraser which I was longing to integrate since long back. Now am able to check on online reporting, updates, approvals and intimations that are made simple and instant.

This web-based tool, PenPencilEraser makes it simple to enter all the required information, send intimations through messages, check on parent intimations, approve over the exams, fees, and connect with all associated with the school instantly.

The highlight here is I am also able to track my visit to each of the classroom as on observation of each visit I send the feedback and suggestion online in the web-based application. This does become check list for me to move further and cover all the classrooms with equal preference.



This professional goal of spending more time in the classroom with the students and faculty and providing valuable feedback and support. This has been made possible with the support of online school management software – PenPencilEraser. Definitely, when this practice is made consistent over a period of time our school would be seen to grow multi-fold in terms of education, strength and presence.