What Type of Teacher are you?

What type of teacher are you? Let me tell you we all know it but, why again do we have to lustre the perceptions would be the thought in your mind. But, here is something novel that is worth exploring and I would tell you it is easy to speculate occasionally but when we wish to obtain it copiously, it is worth the details which are thought-provoking.

The two prime types of teachers as their behaviour and personality depicts.
• Teachers as Motivational Leaders
• Teachers as Perfect Managers

Teachers as Motivational Leaders!

“Teachers who inspires students to dream more, learn more, do more and become more as innovators and inventors.”

The teachers who have the aptitude of motivational leaders does have a different approach in the classroom and in the way of teaching. The most differentiates are informal approach, open and friendly, permissive and encouraging, humorous and emotional, chiefly focused on student learning, checks on learnt concepts, scores on innovative answers, encourages flipped learning, joins with students, chats and eat, meets parents over progression, innovative teaching using technology, builds relationship.

Teachers as Perfect Managers!

“Teachers who train the students to be well organized finding time for each task, strict over discipline, always settle in advance and be well prepared.”

While we come to the approach and the disciple of the perfect managers the following can be experienced with them in both the teaching and the classroom. Formal approach, reserved over the relationship, restrictive on approvals and permissions, serious and rational, mainly focus on Student behaviour, checks on work completion, scores based right answers, does not encourage student intervening, strict over lunch, meets parents over only on complains, orientation teaching methods, builds reputation.

Well, now as we discussed over the types of teachers, it is now that we look at “The Making of Best Teacher”. For this we need to understand the Students outlook and approach over the interactive class of the best teacher. The responses and the behaviour of the students depicts the performance of the teacher.

We would always wish to hear the students say, It’s interesting, I prefer to know more, Is this the trend about the modern changes? Let me explore more, provide me few reference books, when would be the next session? What is the next topic coming up? Show me the examples of practical applications of these learning, thank you and please stay for more while.

A Final Outlook:

Teachers need to be as Motivational Leaders than perfect managers! A cardinal principle in the type of teachers decides on the continuous improvement in students, positively progressing with perfect academic development striving for the innovative skill development in students.

Technology forces teachers who are Perfect Managers to transform as Motivational Leaders!
Technology Learning Innovations are Flipped classrooms, Online learning, Mobile app learning, Game-based learning and Virtual classrooms. While these bring in more challenges to the teachers to face the e-safety challenges like the online privacy, data protection, copyright issues, online reputation, password protection, social threats and much more. Teachers who are motivational leaders perform better and show up greater results.



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Know your destination - You are the driver of your life!

Life’s Solitary Ride
I am the driver of my life!

For a simple introduction, I am a big attention seeker who loves spot-light and adulation. I am an easy going, lavishly loved and a much pampered soul. But today I am making an honest confession, baring my heart & acknowledging one of my inadequacies… a tough revelation indeed.

Well, I am bad with roads, really bad and all instructions given to this effect fall flat on my deaf ears. It isn’t that I haven’t tried but despite decent efforts, I haven’t gained an inch of knowledge or experience. So, I remain what I was at birth – naïve and novice. And truthfully speaking, I am really-lousy and seriously-sloppy. Strange and contradictory.. but precise and correct.

Look, I am not solely responsible for this inherent or manufacturing defect, you have to give due blame to my gracious elder brothers, caring husband and a large circle of magnanimous friends who meekly remind me yet chivalrously cater to my needs. Needless to say, I also blatantly ask people to escort me instead of guiding me to the destined destinations.

So this was about me, my flaw and my cover-up. But God has his ways and he carves out a perfect hurdle race for each individual to try, stumble, rise and fall. Probably, it was my turn to take his test and therefore an important meeting was scheduled about 58 Kilometers away. His plans are immaculate and as luck could have it, my chauffeur asked for a day off at the very last minute. His excuse was legitimate, thus leave had to be granted while I candidly instructed him to check the fuel, tyres and gear-oil. Seemingly all was set, only I was upset… the steering wheel was staring at my timidity and every passing minute was adding more nervousness to my already anxious nerves.

Actually, the fear of unknown and our false apprehensions are the biggest road blocks. We can easily track any road provided we have the basic preparation and preparedness to take on life’s challenges. We just need unfailing will-power to unfold the mysteries that slowing and eventually resolve with a little effort and time. I knew it all, yet the heart was thumping and the pulse rate was dropping.

By the way, I have a legal driving license. (How?.. From where?.. are questions you should refrain from asking) But, just for your benefit I wish to disclose that may spot this bundle of nerves driving distressful at all odd hours. So, you better find out my car number and watch out for personal safety!!

So, as you know, I have driven before but I only enjoy the narrow congested roads full of traffic not because I love claustrophobic spaces but because it gives me the chance to drive on second gear with minimal speed and maximum maneuvering. Needless to say, it also helps to create an impeccable impression. Good impression was made but then, the broad and well laid out roads scared me, as if they would engulf me in their vastness and the expanse of speed weakens my senses. Well, I am a bird of small flights. The small-bird was burdened to rise like an eagle and soar to success.

Am I confusing you?.. Did you only know of people who could either drive or not?.. Does this variety surprise you?.. It may, I can understand, for I too have lived on this near-borderline threshold of driving skill for years where I can’t decide to either give up or owe up. The only obvious choice seems to hone more skill, refine and accomplish. I am at it, so as expected, I googled the location and zoomed endlessly to understand and remember each road, by-lane, all buildings and milestones. ‘Get-set-go’… and I was off to this solitary ride.

Was it tough?.. Did I manage?… no wonder I have opened your mind to these curious queries and kept you guessing for more. Well, it took me 148 minutes and though I worried, I panicked and even stopped for directions, I eventually reached right in time realizing that life itself is a travelogue, where we wish to zoom and capture the future but life is a mystery and life’s myriad hues slowly bloom and blossom along the way.

This was the most memorable journey and the sheer pleasure of reaching, exploring and venturing made me a hero in my own eyes. The age old axiom, ‘persistence pays’ was revised and I re-invented the thought that if you think you can, then, you can..


‘The roads also travel
And you might marvel
At their length
And their strength
For they are truly unending
Real and never pretending.’

Butter makes Bitter life, Better life!

Schools as they are responsible for the academics they are also in the platform to motivate the students and keep them certain about their successful future. Motivation is one of the toughest aspect where in the factors of attitude and the understanding level matters. Further, facing live positive and understanding the struggles and the feeling of various emotions, perseverance, annoyance, frustration and much more which is touch to explain to with a sense of courage and positive attitude. Here’s a sweetest poem illustrating life by Dr.Anshu Arora


I earnestly want to churn
Fresh and sweet-smelling butter
From the free-flowing cream

It is a simple deed indeed
Then, what do I ponder?
Whipping cream with the blender

Sometimes it’s temperature
Sometimes consistency
That gravitates procedure

But butter is my dream
Buried inside the cream
dollops, I wish to skim

It lies at the core
Wanting patience galore
To show and then roar

Cream is concoction
Mix of life’s moments-
Lazy, waste & precious

Butter is our destination
Centrifuged by determination
It’s our ultimate salvation

Excuses forever delay
And efforts eventually pay
As labour toils each day

If there are chunks of butter
they will manifest and glitter
And slowly get better from bitter

You just sail through the tide
Holding time by your side
Keep trust, it may be the last strife

Butter has to coagulate
Buttermilk will separate
That is the final fate

Neither babble nor rattle
Just show your mettle
Make ‘butter’ & win life’s battle

-  Anshu Arora