Blog Archives for category Management
Benefits of Attendance Management Software
Online Attendance management system at schools eats up a lot of valuable time of a staff required to record and maintain the attendance. Maintenance may not be tedious but not to retrieval. Preparing an attendance report, usually included at the end of every examination is time consuming. The staff should plan and work carefully to retrieve all recorded data and prepare the attendance percentage of every student studying in their class. This report is mandatory to present perfect or else spoils the value of the school for providing wrong information of the students. To manage school attendance, PenPencilEraser has included a… Continue reading »
Project your school achievements for the world to see!
Achievements section brings you the simple solution to post your achievements on the school website at much convenience. Academic achievement is crucial to present school as of high standards. PenPencilEraser offers a separate web page to portray all school achievements which is visible for parents and users. Achievements are also categorized into different school levels to add achievements in each level individually. This way, all school achievement does not mingle. Parents can look at the school level achievements in which their kids are enrolled. Look at this screenshot School Achievements help parents to understand the school activities and it is… Continue reading »