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Staff Attendance Management System: PenPencilEraser

Now it is far easy to update and monitor Staff attendance . There is a separate clean module built in PenPencilEraser to make attendance management system simple.


Staff Attendance System offer the following advantages

1. Consolidated staff list is given to mark attendance in three ways. You need to click and drag the Staff item in any of the three categories i.e. Forenoon Absents, Afternoon Absents & Full Day Absents. The items never dragged are identified to be Present.


2. Leave Request & Approval is made easy never before.

Teaching & Non teaching staffs have individual modules to login and apply for a leave. All leave request will be available in the Staff section. Admin login is essential to view and approve/deny the leave request. Only Admin has the privilege to access all leave requests while others have access only to view their own leave request. Staff page looks different for its users based on the privileges granted. The admin once encounters a leave request, views the report of the staffs and approve, edit or deny the request. The status of the leave request will be automatically updated in the staff login page. In addition, if the admin likes to communicate any information regarding leave, he can send a message with Send Message option.





Easy way to generate School Reports

Need to prepare a detailed report of Students and Staff at your school?

Get it done instantly with PenPencilEraser. The report section consist of individual reports for Students, Staff, Class & Tutors. Each report section will provide you the necessary steps to generate the reports in particular.


This convenient feature drive away all the difficulties you face in collecting school data, saving time and energy. The Report section on behalf collects the entire data of class, students, staffs and class tutors and give it in an excel format for quick download if required. School is one of the common place where there is huge record maintenance carried over by a group of staff throughout the year. A small blunder in the reports may bring bad reputation or in case of any missing file, the report is hard to generate appropriate. PenPencilEraser brings an easy on go solution to eliminate all such troubles and present you a valid report instantly. The best added advantage is that the data is saved as different copies on different cloud servers to ensure no loss of data anytime. Hence, no more waste of time for schools in Report Generation with this modern online school management software.

1.Video to Access Student Reports:


2.Video to Access Class Reports:


3. Video to Access Staff Reports:

In- Built Messaging Facilities: PenPencilEraser

PenPencilEraser lets you to send and receive messages right from the control panel. This messaging facility aids in improving communication of parents, students and teachers.


The Instant Messaging facility comes in handy with PenPencilEraser provides advance communication system for schools to enhance their communication with the parents and students on the go and helps stay connected

  1. Compose Message:

In case of emergencies or for any general notification, open Messages Tab in the admin dashboard. Now click on Compose New Message and start typing your message. There is detailed option to select and send the message only to the receivers you wish.


2.  Send Message:

This is the history of Sent Messages included to view all the sent messages.


3. Inbox messages:

This is the list of messages received from students, teachers and the parents.


Help Video:

Mutliple Features packed in one software: PenPencilEraser

PenPencilEraser is unique large scale online school management software providing first rate usability for easy management of school records online. PPE involves automated updation of software that encounters minimum hand work contributing to the environment and saves huge money on paper records. The cutting edge technology involved for smooth functioning of school. It ensures higher level of transparency and cut downs the operating cost of a school appreciably. PPE is simply all-in-one software serving four denominations i.e. parents, teachers, students and the management.

PenPencilEraser Benefits for School Management

All the transactions are strongly encrypted, ensuring confidentiality and security. Also the access to information is properly authenticated, preventing illegal penetration into the system. Create a conflict-free administration, managing all your school levels, blocks, classes and subjects. It minimizes the labor-intensive task of managing multi-school levels by fully integrating all the facts with enhanced services.

  • School Level Setup

The school level setup begins the usage of PenPencilEraser Setup. School levels may be CBSE, HSC, GCSE or any school level you follow.

  • CMS pages for School Levels

Since PenPencilEraser is a Content Management System, the content is added, modified and removed conveniently. The CMS pages offers complete control of the content besides providing better protection of your site’s content from any kind of web site attacks. The data is secure.

  • Academic Management

Now manage your academic more easily.

  • Courses Management

Similar to school level management, you can post your courses for each class respectively.

  • Blocks & Rooms Management

Solve your Blocks and room management with the ease of PenPencilEraser software. Allot classrooms sitting at the comfort of your system.

  • Subjects with Electives

Enter the subjects and the corresponding electives more conveniently.

  • Student Management with Siblings

Siblings studying in your school can be connected and you could easily identify the sibling of any student if studying in the same school or for any other clarification.

  • Teachers Management

Teacher’s management is made far easy in PenPencilEraser. Assign teachers to every single subject of all classes and manage them easily online. With multiple features in Teachers management, you find it easy to control the teachers scheduling much convenient.

  • Classes & Sections Setup

There are enough provisions and instructions to enter and save the school levels through k-12.  Each class may have sub divisions based on the strength of the school. These details can be fed accordingly on which the future entries are made.

  • Schedule Examinations & Tests

Run online board for scheduling exam dates and tests. The scheduled exam date will be notified to students, parents and teachers.

  • Syllabus Inputs with Exams or Downloads

Syllabus of every term is entered very well before the academic year. This makes teaching easy.

  • Mark list Entry

After the exams and test, corresponding teachers calculate and fill their class students’ mark with which a standard report is generated which can be printed for further use. At any time of the year, the marks of a particular student can be retrieved easily.

  • Achievements

If schools or classes had a recent achievement, this can be easily notified on the board or space provided in the website which is controlled at the backend. The achievements can be posted on the board which will be published for viewing by the parents and students.

  • Announcements

Any major/minor announcement can be perceived through the online software.

  • Custom News Feeds & Notice Board Display

The News Feed is an excellent notable portion to display the school news.

  • Theme Customization

It is left to the admin to design the theme which makes the experience to work at convenience. Colors and customization play an important role in the software usage.

  • Control Message Permissions for Staff and Teachers

The admin manages to allow/reject permissions to staffs and teachers with messaging features provided at the backend.

  • Check Home works

The students can easily check the homework’s the teachers assign with the last date of submission. Once homework is finished, the student can mark the status as complete to notify the teacher.

  • Easy Roll Over for next Academic Year

The software automatically rolls over to the next academic year without any inconvenience.

  • Teacher Leave Requests & Approvals

A teacher login and apply for a leave request. If approved/rejected, the notification will be sent.

  • Student & Staff Performance Reports

Performance reports of staff & students can be generated easily.

  • Swap Teachers easily